Black Templars Emperor's Champion
his side
his other side, showing the hand painted Black Templar Symbol on his shoulder pad
High Elf Mage (I've only got the one pic of her)
Ultramarines Thunderfire Cannon - I was set a hobby task to build and paint this in one day. I was a bit apprehensive at first as I'd heard that it was a difficult kit and none of the pieces matched up. I was actually quite surprised how well it fitted together, it only took a little effort with the file to get the main gun on the platform, and a tiny amount of green stuff on the barrel. Apart from that, it went together quite nicely. I successfully completed my hobby task :)
High Elf Mage (I've only got the one pic of her)
Ultramarines Thunderfire Cannon - I was set a hobby task to build and paint this in one day. I was a bit apprehensive at first as I'd heard that it was a difficult kit and none of the pieces matched up. I was actually quite surprised how well it fitted together, it only took a little effort with the file to get the main gun on the platform, and a tiny amount of green stuff on the barrel. Apart from that, it went together quite nicely. I successfully completed my hobby task :)