huge clear out! lots of stuff on ebay

I've been having a huge clear out, and have found lots of Warhammer and 40k stuff that I haven't got room for. So, I have lots of things on ebay at the moment, pictures of some of the things will also be here as ebay pictures tend to be quite small.

Friday, 15 May 2009

Space Wolves Terminators

Well the Terminators are now finished, they took a little longer than expected - I had a slight mishap with a craft knife which delayed my painting for a couple of days. I forgot that I had changed the blade recently and ended up with an inch-long cut down the middle of my thumb :(

Anyway! pics of the Terminators:

The bone cruxes on the shoulderpad

A work in progress picture of a squad of Space Wolves Terminators that I'm currently painting for a commission. They've pretty much just had the basecoats on everything at the moment, and the bases are finished. Next up will be a wash on the metal areas and the Sgt's head followed by highlights on everything.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Space Wolves

Here are some Space Wolves Blood Claws that I did for a commission.

Their Pack markings
The squad and a (half finished) Drop Pod

The Drop Pod