huge clear out! lots of stuff on ebay

I've been having a huge clear out, and have found lots of Warhammer and 40k stuff that I haven't got room for. So, I have lots of things on ebay at the moment, pictures of some of the things will also be here as ebay pictures tend to be quite small.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Finished Space Wolves Characters

Ok, well I finished the 3 characters and sent them off on the weekend. I think they've turned out really well, Logan Grimnar in particular. I quite enjoyed painting these guys and was able to improve some techniques that I don't use all that often, such as the blending on Ragnar's sword.

Logan's face actually looks better in the work in progress pics, this shot is ever so slightly blurry (I would have taken new ones but I'd already sent the models before realising!) The shoulder pad was painted yellow to match the rest of the army rather than Logan's personal design.

I spent quite a while on Ragnar's sword, starting with a very dark red, which was made up using a mix of Mechrite Red and Dark Flesh (I have a pre-mixed pot, roughly 50/50) and add quite a bit of chaos black. I kept adding more of the Mechrite/Dark Flesh to the mix on the palette and painted thin layers which were progressively lighter towards the tip of the sword (remembering to do the back at the same time to get both sides even!) The very tip of the sword is just the original mix of Mechrite Red and Dark Flesh.

Ulrik has a nice bone mask, which made quite a change to the faces of the other two. For the bone, I used a basecoat of Khemri brown, and kept adding Bleached Bone with each layer (leaving the previous colour in the recesses) right up to pure Bleached Bone as a final highlight.

Monday, 8 June 2009

More Space Wolves!

Here are some work in progress pics of my latest commission models, 3 Space Wolves character models. They still need a bit more detail work, and the gold isn't finished, also I've just noticed that I forgot to highlight the bone icon on Logan Grimnar's leg - oops! so I need to go back and do that too.

Close up of Logan Grimnar and Ragnar Blackmane
I'm quite pleased with how their faces have come out
The backs of the characters