huge clear out! lots of stuff on ebay

I've been having a huge clear out, and have found lots of Warhammer and 40k stuff that I haven't got room for. So, I have lots of things on ebay at the moment, pictures of some of the things will also be here as ebay pictures tend to be quite small.

Friday, 3 July 2009

More of Njal

Here are some more pictures of Njal Stormcaller (still work in progress) I've now just about finished his face, just need final highlight. The armour has had the main colour all over, also just needs final highlight. The runes on his armour have been given a first highlight and his beard is nearly done. The raven's beak and talons have been given a basecoat, as well as the inside of the cloack and holster.

The backpack has been taken off to make it easier to paint the runes on the shoulderpad. Also I may end up putting a plastic banner on the pole, which is much easier to do if it's not attached to the model.

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