huge clear out! lots of stuff on ebay

I've been having a huge clear out, and have found lots of Warhammer and 40k stuff that I haven't got room for. So, I have lots of things on ebay at the moment, pictures of some of the things will also be here as ebay pictures tend to be quite small.

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Njal Stormcaller finished

"After banishing the Greater Daemon that slew the old Rune Priest Heimdall. Njal summoned up a mighty psychic storm, sweeping away the daemon's minions and bringing victory to his hard-pressed brother Space Wolves. From that day forth Njal was known as 'Storm Caller'."
From Codex: Space Wolves

Here are finished pics of Njal Stormcaller, with his customised banner. It took a little longer than I expected to paint the banner, but I think it looks good.

The rear of the model (the backpack has been blu-tacked on for the purpose of taking the pic)

A different angle

Njal's banner. This design was copied straight from Codex: Space Wolves. The picture in the codex was the same size as the actual banner, which made it much easier to copy!

1 comment:

  1. Looks awesome and the banner is a great touch :)

    This model looks better than many other versions I've seen at coolminiornot. Brilliant!

    I highly recommend HD for commission work, especially for characters. HD is highly reliable and guaranteed turn-around!

