huge clear out! lots of stuff on ebay

I've been having a huge clear out, and have found lots of Warhammer and 40k stuff that I haven't got room for. So, I have lots of things on ebay at the moment, pictures of some of the things will also be here as ebay pictures tend to be quite small.

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Tyranid 1500 point army

Here is a 1500 point Tyranid army that I am currently selling on ebay. The models are half painted, and all of the gaunts have been weighted to stop them falling over during games.

The 63 gaunts (there are 64 in total, the fully painted one is shown in a separate pic)

A group shot of all the larger monsters!

10 Termagaunts

2 squads of 3 Warriors

3 Zoanthropes, 3 Raveners and a Lictor

A Hive Tyrant, 3 Tyrant Guard and a Carnifex

The finished gaunt

The finished Tyrant Guard

The side of the finished Tyrant Guard


  1. Looks monstrous!!!

    Love the finished models!

    Wish I had the money to buy the lot.


  2. hi there was going to buy these but got out bid at the last second and i just wondered how exactly i would go about using the same fleshy colours as you hae used and wondered if you would mind telling me exactly how you would do it with using paint brushes as im not that great with my painting and i think you have done a good job.

    You can either wright on here or email me at thanx d prewer

  3. this is a very quick and easy paint scheme. the 2 test models were painted with a large brush and the army was painted with the games workshop spray gun. They were first painted dheneb stone, then washed with gryphonne sepia. The carapace was painted chaos black and highlighted with charadon granite before being painted with 'ard coat (gloss varnish)
