huge clear out! lots of stuff on ebay

I've been having a huge clear out, and have found lots of Warhammer and 40k stuff that I haven't got room for. So, I have lots of things on ebay at the moment, pictures of some of the things will also be here as ebay pictures tend to be quite small.

Monday, 3 August 2009

Space Wolves Iron Priest - finished

Here are some pictures of the finished Iron Priest. I am quite pleased with how he turned out.

The back of the Iron Priest, for some reason his servo-arm came out a bit blurry in the pic

A slightly different angle of the front/side showing more of the shoulderpad. I think the bone symbol came out quite nicely

1 comment:

  1. This model is awesomely painted. Excellent "replica" if you will :)
